ABM Social Selling Success Board
This interactive board was created in collaboration between Edenred and Momentum Data.

It highlights the main successes and insights from the highly effective ABM Social Selling programs run together globally since 2022 as part of Edenred's demand generation strategy.
Mexico, Belgium, Turkey, Germany...
and more campaigns to follow!
We are currently running innovative campaigns together on 3 continents,
in 4 different countries
Momentum Data's algorithm identifies Edenred's potential key target companies and contacts, and leverages the sales reps' profiles to expand their LinkedIn networks and generate highly targeted and high-value sales opportunities.
So, how do these programs work?
Edenred's highest-performing messaging
Optimize the LinkedIn profiles of Edenred's sales team.
Define target audience & grow network on LinkedIn.
Send messages & follow-ups using A/B-tested best practices.
Edenred's sales team takes over the pre-qualified conversations.
Hi {{FIRSTNAME}}, I appreciate you connecting with me.

I work for Edenred, offering several employee benefit programs that are fully backed by complete management teams.

My clients, such as {{CLIENT1}}, {{CLIENT2}} and {{CLIENT3}}, are seeing a real increase in savings with the use of Ticket Car, a reloadable card that employees can use at gas stations and toll booths. Plus, thanks to our online platform, you have full access to all payments for greater visibility and optimal resource management.

If you have a moment, I'd love to give you an overview of our programs and pricing model so you can compare. Would you have 15 minutes next week for a quick chat?

I look forward to talking soon, {{PROFILEOWNER}}
Pleasure connecting with you, {{FIRSTNAME}}.

I work for Edenred, offering comprehensive employee benefit programs.

My clients are seeing a real increase in employee retention with the use of TicketDespensa, a prepaid card that can be used at major supermarkets, pharmacies and convenience stores, allowing us to support employees in this current crisis.

If you have a moment, I'd love to share with you some success stories where I've helped improve the employee-employer relationship at companies like {{CLIENT1}}, {{CLIENT2}} and {{CLIENT3}}.

Would you have 15 minutes next week for a quick chat?

Hope to talk soon, {{PROFILEOWNER}}
Hello {{FIRSTNAME}}, thank you for connecting with me.

I work for Edenred, providing flexible payment solutions for companies such as {{CLIENT1}}, {{CLIENT2}} and {{CLIENT3}}.

My clients are seeing a real increase in savings with the use of the Edenred business expense card, simplifying the management of petty cash payments, per diems and payments to suppliers or services.

With a full management and billing team, as well as customer service at your fingertips, you can modify and customize each solution to your needs.

If you have a moment, I'd love to give you an overview of our business expense card and provide you with some use cases from our clients. Would you have 15 minutes in the next few days?

Hope to talk soon, {{PROFILEOWNER}}
Examples of Strong LinkedIn Profiles from your Colleagues
Select the icons to view their profiles
Arlette Saldivar
Yoalli Hernández
Guadalupe López
Dilek Baydaş Şar
Meet Roxana, Edenred's Account Manager
Enthusiastic commitment to Edenred as dedicated Key Account Manager
Specialist in ABM and Social Selling
Half-Persian and grew up in Germany before moving to Barcelona
Who exactly is Momentum Data?
Founded in 2017 and based in London & Barcelona, Momentum Data is the leading ABM Social Selling program for Enterprise Marketing & Sales teams.
outreach to specific, high-value target accounts 
Non-stop assistance: dedicated Account Manager walks participants through the whole process
What makes Momentum Data's campaigns uniquely effective for Edenred?
Compliant & Secure to address Edenred's GDPR and data security requirements
Proprietary Tech:
AI and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) allows for ABM at scale
Momentum Data specializes in B2B Enterprise clients in the software, technology, and industrial sectors, working with some of the largest in the world.
Together we have noted various campaign highlights and learnings over the past year
Momentum Data's Target Account List Building service worked well to identify new relevant companies and personas for Edenred.
Demand generation is particularly successful in new untapped markets.
New sales team members have been brought up to speed at a much quicker rate.

Interested in learning more? 
We're ready to help.
Schedule a 20-minute meeting.